
Amesbury Baptist Church is self-financing and as is usual with Baptist Churches, does not receive any money from a central source. We need to pay for the salary and expenses of our Pastor, for the upkeep and running of the church building, as well as the costs of putting on the regular activities of the church.

It is a personal choice on how much to donate, but a guideline amount has traditionally been 10% of income (a ‘tithe’).

To maximise the donation, we encourage people to ‘gift aid’ their contribution. This is free to the individual, but means valuable extra finance for the church – this is for taxpayers only. Please contact our Treasurer for more details.

Amesbury Baptist Church tithes 10% of its income to causes needing assistance (home and international mission).

How to give

We collect an offering for tithes and offerings (cash/cheque) during every Sunday service.

Other ways of giving include:

Standing Order
Many choose to give a regular amount by Standing Order.  If you would like to do this, please contact the Treasurer for the necessary details.

Gift Aid
If you are a UK tax payer, we can reclaim the tax element of your gift, thereby increasing the total amount.  Download the GIFT AID FORM 2019, complete it and return it to the church office.

All records of giving, which are kept to comply with law, are maintained confidentially. 

If you have any questions or concerns about any aspect of giving and how your money is used by ABC, please email

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